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Boris Silva


Boris is an experienced reintegration coach blending South American warmth with North American academia. Raised in Brazil, he pursued psychology at the University of California (UCLA), accumulating two decades of diverse experience as a practicing therapist, HR professional, and embodied boundaries coach.

Shaped by a multicultural journey, Boris fosters authentic connections and embraces diverse perspectives, both academic and non-academic. Complementing his psychology background, he undertook a postgraduate program at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, specializing in Neuroscience, Physiology, and Mindfulness, deepening his understanding of the mind-body connection.

Having relocated to the Netherlands seven years ago for love and a better work-life balance, Boris remains fascinated by cutting-edge healing modalities. His passion for healing is poured into supporting candidates through their transitions, offering warmth, compassion, and effective tools for success.


  • Track 2 Reintegration

  • Outplacement

Experience with

  • Embodied Boundaries

  • Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

  • Breathwork (including Hearth Rate Variability)

  • Nervous System Regulation

  • Family Systems

  • Shadow Work

  • Integrating Cultural Experiences

  • Law of Attraction/ Manifestation/5D Consciousness

  • Emotional + Physical Abuse

  • Addiction


Personal interests

Self-Healing, Nervous System Regulation, Travelling, Wild Life, DIY



Scuba diving, Dancing, Camping, Cooking, Sculpting


Available in English and Portuguese

Boris    Silva
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